Social Media

Ask people to share, like or rate your content

If you want more people to like your posts, share your content, or rate your product, just ask. Direct calls to action for social engagement can often be the nudge your audience needs to react the way you want them to. It’s not uncommon for studies to show triple digit percentage increases in engagement when users are simply asked to like, share or follow a page. A call to action is one of the most important pieces to your marketing campaign and including one in your social strategy should be no exception.

Show some social proof

We’re all subconsciously wired to seek to be a part of a group. If you have a sizable following, whether it be on social media or a general customer base, show it off. Knowing that there is a large group of people with whom your users share common goals and interests can add reassurance to their decision-making process. Publish your social media follower counts or even individual post “likes” and shares to your page — but be mindful that a lack of followers could also have the opposite effect! If you’re still building your social media following, try simply utilizing supportive calls to action. Think along the lines of McDonald’s “Billions and billions served”.

Show some evidence to back up claims

Anyone can make a claim about themselves, their product or their business. But why should users believe your claim? Provide users with some kind of evidence, preferably from authoritative third parties. Your product is “the best”, but according to who? You? According to your customers? And what’s so great about it? Testimonials, ratings and other types of social confirmation are great ways to support your claims and have often been shown to be even more influential to customers than saving money.